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Agent Steps You Should Take

You can register as an agent with major pay per head providers such as There is a difference between owning your own sportsbook and becoming an agent for one. What we want to do here is examine what might be best for you, what’s best for your budget and time, as well as ask you how involved in the day-to-day operations of the bookie business do you want to be? The bookmaking business can be a full-time job, it can be part-time, or it can be a hobby. No matter what it is we know this, even if it’s a hobby you want to earn money. Nobody wants to open a business and only lose. What’s the best avenue for you to open a business and win? Take a look at a few of the advantages of owning an online sportsbook vs. becoming an agent.

  • Let’s get one thing clear from the beginning, the PPH industry has taken over online gaming. What they offer is a solution for bookies with the world's leading software. That software is built and programmed in a way that makes your job nonexistent. What we mean by this is the fact that if you do sign up for a PPH, you are saying that you still want to be a bookmaker and offer your clients a sportsbook, but you want less day to day responsibilities.
  • Many people ask us ‘is it's difficult to be a bookie as you say it is? Ha, well, listen… We don’t mean to come across as if the bookie gig is horrible or something that’s going to make your life miserable. What we want you to remember is this… The life of a sports bookie is probably different than you realize. If you have been in this business for any length of time then you know exactly what we are speaking of.

What are the daily duties of a sports bookie?

  • We can’t possibly name all of the daily duties of a local bookie but here are a few of them…
  • Daily, you must organize your sporting events and anything else that you want to offer your betting clients.
  • Daily, you must offer sharp and current lines and odds on every event that you are offering as a wager. You may choose to find these lines and odds from the competition or a lines and odds website, no matter how or where you get them, you must offer them. Do not play this on the fly… If you do not have a website now, and you are a local bookie, you must still do this at the beginning of each day so that when your clients call - you know what to offer them and not just manufacture numbers out of the sky.
  • You must offer a way to bet on these sports. Players want options, they want a huge wagering menu, are you offering that?
  • You must accept your player's wagers over the phone, then you must grade all bet slips and credit each player account with a win or loss.

Do you want to be an agent or own your sportsbook?

  • As an agent, you get all of the bells and whistles, but you're going to have to share the profits with your parent company. Some bookies prefer this, it’s simply an easier option. You will also need to come up with a down payment or a deposit.

Pay Per Head

  • As an owner, the PPH will set you up with a free gaming website that comes loaded with a sportsbook, a racebook, and a virtual casino. You do NOT have to pay for the website or its use and everything is done for you daily.

Here is the bottom line… You must have an online presence and there are two ways to get there quickly and affordably. Call the PPH and have a conversation with them. Find out what is best for you. The PPH will always let you try before you buy so do yourself a favor and make the call. There is a small fortune to be earned in this business. Make the most of this opportunity and turn 2021 into your best year ever.

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