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Increase your revenue offering casino games

Pay Per Head

If there was a real question about how important casino games can be for a sportsbook, they were all answered at the beginning of this year. The Covid-19 pandemic hit us all hard and sports took a dive in general, seasons and tournaments were cancelled, others were delayed, big events like Euro 2020 or the Tokyo Summer Olympics were postponed until next year, and so on.

All of the sudden, we found ourselves in a world without sports and sportsbook owners from all over the world had to quickly turn their attention to other products, and the most successful one, in general, was casinos.

Why is casino so important for online sportsbooks?

Well, there are many different kinds of players, of course, some of them are just really into sports, others are casual players that like a little bit of everything, then we found a whole bunch that had never played casino before, but got to know it during the quarantine. The thing is, casino games offer us unlimited possibilities for players, many different types of games that they can play any day, at any time of the day, or night, without having to wait for a game to happen.

The casino industry has taken a huge leap in the past few years, games have been reborn and redesigned, technology has kicked in and boosted all different types of digital platforms, we now have traditional card games like Baccarat, Roulette or Black Jack, but we also have thousands of different slot games. We have live dealers, virtual games, we have poker, which is a whole separate platform that also draws millions of dollars in volume to any company.

At the end of the day, these games and platforms will give your sportsbook depth and diversity, and your players will appreciate it and reward you.

So, can casino games really increase my revenue?

Yes, they can, and they will. Casino games are some of the most profitable products for any sportsbook. Any good and respected Price per Head provider will tell you the same, and that’s why, here at we are ready to help you out by offering you some of the best casino games out there, from different providers from around the world, but guaranteed to help you get your volume up, keep your players happy, and help you get your sportsbook operation to a brand new level, to a world-class level.

Even if your customers are sports bettors, having casino games will help you offer a wider variety of options, and a good part of them will end up playing casino at some point, so it is worth having them. Come over to right now and let us help you become the best bookie you can be, all for just a small weekly fee per active customer. Contact us right now on the phone or on our website, and we’ll be more than happy to help you grow and evolve into a much better online sports betting business.