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Gaming and software for Sports and Bookies

Pay Per Head

The sports betting world is vast and exciting, it offers many different possibilities, it brings players and bookies closer to sports and leagues, it makes games more attractive, it just changes the whole way we see sports. This is the way it has been for many years, and now we can say that gambling, and online betting, more specifically, has become a part of the whole experience.

The sports betting culture keeps growing all over the world, it has been safe and legal in many different countries for many years, in Europe, Africa, Latin America, and so on, it has been going on in the United States for many years as well, as we all know, but has just recently opened up and has become legal in many different states. This brings many new possibilities for players, for bookies, and even for leagues and teams, because now it becomes more natural and organic, and now we see an entirely different experience, where everyone just gets to enjoy doing what they love, having fun with the different games.

There is one key thing though, that doesn’t usually get the recognition it deserves, and that is key to sports betting and gaming in general, and its bookie software. The kind of evolution and growth that sports betting software has had during the past few years is magnificent. The way we get to live sports betting today, and link it directly to specific games, the way we get to watch our favorite leagues right on our different devices, it has all had an amazing impact on the sports betting industry in general, and it has brought our product closer to its final consumer, the players.

Price per Head software for your bookie operation

In the Price per Head industry, and thanks to the leadership and involvement of PPH service providers like, things have really picked up in the past few years, and that’s why now owning a sportsbook is a whole new experience that is available for thousands of people.

Here at A1 PPH we have been a part of this industry for many years, and now we have the experience, the tools and the knowledge to help you push your sportsbook to the highest level of success. We have made sure to work on every single detail, so that we can offer our clients the most updated, functional, simple, and safe to use sports betting platform available, completely customizable, 100% mobile designed, works on any device, at any time, and from anywhere in the world where you can get an internet connection.

It will provide your players with the best possible online betting experience possible, and it will provide you, as a bookie, with the best tools to be able to take care of your business, keep track of your players and numbers, make adjustments, see reports, adjust lines, set profiles, and a lot more.

Visit us now at and let’s start working on your project! There is a lot to do and we’re ready to give you a big push!

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