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Need to Know for Offering International Sporting Events

Pay Per Head

Bookies, you must say yes to international sporting events if you want to earn a six-figure income. There was once a day when the NFL was king and to a point, that’s still true but what about the other six months of the year? You must prepare yourself to offer the best events from around the world and this includes soccer. If you are not offering international soccer, then you are losing huge amounts of income.

Soccer is a sport that never has an off-season. There is always a league somewhere that is playing and is available to bet on. Here is your problem – when bettors want to bet on soccer or any international sporting event such as international basketball or baseball, they will come to you first, they want to be loyal to who they know and they trust you. If you are not offering the sport they want to bet on guess what? They are a mouse click away and 2-minutes from depositing with another online bookie and giving them your money. They are your clients, their money is your money, don’t let them go elsewhere.

You Must Be Online—

  • If you are not online you are missing the cash cow. As a bookie, you must present your clients with every possible betting opportunity. There is no crying as a bookie! There are times when you will get your butt beat but the high-times are much more frequent than the low-times. Always remember one thing; the house has an added advantage with the juice. In order for the player to beat the juice, they must win more than 52% of the time. That’s breaking even, not a profit, just breaking even. They must win at least 52% of the time and depending on their betting habits, they must often win as much as 54% of the time. This is raw math and it doesn’t lie.

  • You were a gambler at one time in your life or you wouldn’t be a bookie right now. Think about what it was like as a gambler. Did you consistently win? If you were a consistent winner then why did you give it all up and become a bookie? Of course, you lost more than you won and we all know it! There is no shame in admitting this. You have done the smart thing, you have jumped to the other side. Now you are in a position to earn a fat income of what you used to do – gamble.

  • Your number one priority is keeping the clients that you already have and the only way to do this is with the use of a Pay Per Head.

  • The Pay Per Head industry has come along and made life easy for the bookie. The PPH providers are now offering bookie software that takes care of every little detail from accepting wagers, to grading wager, from accounting and player reports to offing a Las Vegas-style casino, and racebook.

  • You must have a casino because gamblers get bored. They will get bored and jump over to a bookie that offers a casino. Keep them in-house. Stop losing money.

  • Start offering all of the above but don’t take your eye off the ball; you must offer international sporting events. Soccer is the most bet on sport in the world and the PPH providers offer it to you at no charge. All you pay is a weekly PPH fee per player and it’s around $7. The play may place as many bets as they like and they may beyt in the casino and racebook as much as they wish for your one low, weekly price of $7 per head.

  • International baseball and basketball are also important as well as golf and auto racing. There are a wealth of sporting events that you must offer if you want the most opportunity to earn a six-figure income.

Stop selling yourself short and start earning what you are worth as a bookie. Stop working so hard. Find the best software with the best PPH provider right now and have your players playing tomorrow. There is no excuse to not be making a small fortune. Call the PPH and ask for a free trial offer and get the new year started right.

More Pay Per Head tips:

  1. Best Pay Per Head Sportsbook
  2. How to Expand Your Bookmaking Offering
  3. Click Here For The Meaning of Pay Per Head
  4. Maximize Your Profits