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Understanding Principles of Bookmaking

There are a few things you need to understand about the world of Sports Betting before you can be able to make the best decisions for your business. There are many ways to go and things to look at, as this is a very vast business, but to sum it up, we’re going to make this easy for you; there is the Old School of Bookmaking and there is the New School of Bookmaking, and we’re going to tell you a little bit about both.

pay Per Head

How was Bookmaking done in the old days?

Remember we’re talking about different times; 15 or even 10 years ago, things were still very different in the sports betting industry. Let’s not even go into how things were done 30 years ago, because that’s a whole different story. Let’s focus on 10 years ago and see what a Bookie’s day and week looked like back then. We’re talking about hard work and long hours in the office. A bookie’s job would start early in the morning, checking out reports, opening up lines for the day’s events so that players could start betting. Imagine a big office with somewhere from 20 to 50, or sometimes even more, 100 or 200 computers all in the same room, wagering clerks in every station, phones ringing off the hook, Customer Service in one room, Payroll people in another, line movers up on stage doing their thing and a thousand other things happening at the same time in different departments.

Now, imagine you own that operation, you’re the bookie here, you own the whole thing and need to be on top of every detail to make sure things are running the way they should, managing your risk, paying bills, salaries, paying for equipment and software.

Long story short, it was not easy and it’s safe to say it was quite expensive to own your own Sportsbook. Not to mention the fact that you would probably have to spend most of your day, every day, in the office.

How is Bookmaking done today?

There are still operations of many kinds and sizes, but the main thing you want to know about right now is that everything we mentioned before, you can forget about it. Price per Head has come to stay and change the sports betting business. Technology has finally caught up with the industry and is helping bookies as yourself to be able to own and run a successful business for just a small fraction of what it would have costed you before.

Joining a Price per Head operation will cost you just about $10 per active player per week and with that you will automatically have a whole company at your service. The website, the personnel, the bills, the software, the calls, everything is taken care of. Instead of spending 10, 12 or more hours a day in an office, now you can run your business from anywhere in the world from any mobile device. Just log in, run your reports, profile your customers, adjust your lines, if you want, but there is no need, your PPH provider will take care of that and everything else.

As always, the most important thing you need to worry about is keeping your customers happy and playing. With PPH that is not an issue, all the best tools and most experienced personnel will be right there, which will allow you to just take care of your new most important task, which is bringing more customers in. As a bookie, that’s what you need to focus on nowadays, growing your player base and being able to deal with them, that’s all. What do you think of this? Ready to do it? Contact us today and let’s get you all setup. Price per Head is your best choice and once you get a little taste of it, you will never go back to how it was before.

More Pay Per Head tips:

  1. How to Be a Bookie
  2. Enduring Qualities of Bookies and Pay Per Heads
  3. Find more about our PPH Sportsbook
  4. Choose our Bookie Software
  5. Gambling Software