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Starting From Zero is Best

Online sportsbooks are a dime a dozen nowadays. Bookies are changing the way they do business because they have the opportunity to get online for free and pay low service costs. The pay per head industry has opened up a new world entirely for bookies. If you want to earn a fantastic income doing what you love, you can indeed do exactly this.

  • The first thing you must do is throw away all preconceived ideas about the bookmaking industry. Sure, you are a bookie, but what you do and what the next guy does may be 180 degrees different. Many bookies are in business for many different reasons, and they may appeal to different people from different walks of life, in many different ways.
  • You are in the bookie business because this is what you know, and love and you have been selling bets to your friends for a long time. This is what local bookies do, this very definition makes you a local bookie.

Why do we say, ‘start from zero’?

  • This local gig is fun – sometimes. Let’s face the facts, is it fun if you’re beating your head against the wall and not earning a great income? How much are you earning right now as a local bookie? You could be earning upward of six figures. You should be earning 100K per year and we will take it one step further and say this; if you are not earning 100K per year, then you must change how you are doing business. Why would you want to be in this business if you can’t earn a fantastic income?
  • Start right now from ZERO. Find a top-notch pay per head like A1pph and let them manage your bookmaking business. What they will do for you is earn you big profits in a short amount of time. Your players want to gamble, and they want to gamble with you, the problem – they can’t.
  • You can’t offer your players anything. You are a local bookie; do you even offer them as much as a printout of the daily odds? Think about how many sporting events there are every day, do you offer your clients a printout of the daily events? Do you make your odds, or do you follow someone else? Are you an experienced oddsmaker, or line mover? What about wagering options, what do you offer your clients daily? Do you offer them more than the spread, money line, and totals?
  • Let’s be honest, you probably don’t offer any of the above. How can you? You are one person, and you couldn’t possibly do all of the things that an online sportsbook can do. What you must do is find a great pay per head provider and let them offer your clients all of the above.
  • The PPH is the bookie, they do your daily job for you and all you do is turn the button on! The best PPH providers are simple and easy to operate. They are run from an app that’s installed on your phone or laptop and they manage your entire business for you. You will be privy to everything they do for you and in fact, you will always have the final say. They set the daily sporting events, (and they offer every sport known to man), they set the daily lines and odds which you can change at any time, and they accept all wagers either over the phone by way of an 800-number or on the website itself.
  • The website is user-friendly and best of all, it’s FREE. The PPH will build it for you free of charge and you don’t need a big deposit, and you don’t need to pay any upfront cost.

Pay Per Head 247

The best PPH providers are charging around $10 per head, per week. Everything is included and you will be active in a day or two. You will have the unfettered ability to read financial and player reports, on-demand, and free of charge. The PPH grades all bet slips and they update accounts appropriately after each win or loss. Your clients may bet as much as they wish or as little, either way, you pay one low price per week. Call now and change your future, start earning what a bookie should be earning.

Learn more about Pay Per Head:

What is Price Per Head?
Choose our Bookie Software
We Are a Pay Per Head Sportsbook
What is Pay Per Head?
How to Be a Bookie